First results
The Braingame Brian training is based on scientific findings over the last ten years, namely the insight that brain functions are trainable and training effects can last for some time (Klingberg, 2010). Research on the effects of rewarding children with ADHD has contributed to the development of a combination of training and gaming (Prins et al., 2011; Dovis et al., 2012). Early results on the use of Braingame Brian on children with ADHD appear positive. Not only do the children show significant progress in the trained tasks, but have improved their cognitive skills as well and parents rapport a decrease in the children’s ADHD behavioral characteristics (Ten Brink et al., 2011; Van Oord et al., 2012). Though the first results are positive, more research is needed to determine the short- as well long-term effectiveness of the training. During the year 2013, the first results of controlled clinical trials are expected. For more information about the current research results, please go to publications and presentations.
Further research
Problems with executive functions are not only found in children with ADHD. At this moment, however, no evidence has been established on the application of Braingame Brian in other conditions, such as ASS (autism), dyslexia, epilepsy, acquired brain damage, language difficulties and children with learning disabilities. Current research in, for example, children with ASS problems (; Dutch) should shine light on the possibility of these applications. At this moment, Braingame Brian training is only applied on children with these conditions as part of (ongoing) research. Children with ASS problems may apply for the training via Drs. Marieke de Vries, PhD student at the University of Amsterdam:
Application for research
The main goal for the Gaming & Training foundation is to determine the indication criteria for the use of Braingame Brian. For application for research, please contact the foundation at
Newly added publications:
Groves, N. B., Chan, E. S. M., Marsh, C. L., Gaye, F., Jaisle, E. M., & Kofler, M. J. (2022). Does central executive training and/or inhibitory control training improve emotion regulation for children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder? A randomized controlled trial. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13:1034722.
doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.1034722(pdf)
Chen, S., Yu, J., Zhang, Q., Zhang, J., Zhang, Y., & Wang, J. (2021). Which factor is more relevant to the effectiveness of the cognitive intervention? A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials of cognitive training on symptoms and executive function behaviors of children with ADHD. Frontiers in Psychology, 6214., 4, 8-11 (pdf)
Albers, C. (2019). Toegepaste statistiek. De Psycholoog, 10, 38-47. (O.a. over de waarde van longitudinaal onderzoek.)
Ponsioen, A. J. G. B. (2019). Baas in eigen brein. Tijdschrift voor Remedial Teaching, 4, 8-11 (pdf; zie
Eisenberg, N. (2017). Commentary: What’s in a word (or words)–on the relations among self‐regulation, self‐control, executive functioning, effortful control, cognitive control, impulsivity, risk‐taking, and inhibition for developmental psychopathology–reflections on Nigg (2017). Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, 58(4), 384-386. Eisenberg-2017-Journal_of_Child_Psychology_and_Psychiatry
Nigg, J. T. (2017). Annual Research Review: On the relations among self‐regulation, self‐control, executive functioning, effortful control, cognitive control, impulsivity, risk‐taking, and inhibition for developmental psychopathology. Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, 58(4), 361-383. Nigg-2017-Journal_of_Child_Psychology_and_Psychiatry
Barkley, R.A. (2006). Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. A Handbook for diagnosis and treatment (3rd ed.). New York: Guilford Press.
Barkley, R. A. (2012). Executive functions. What they are, how the work, and why they evolved. New York: The Guilford Press.
Beck, S.J., Hanson, C.A., Puffenberger, S.S., Benninger, K.L., & Benninger, W.B. (2010). A controlled trial of working memory training for children and adolescents with ADHD. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 39, 825-836.
Brink, ten E.L., Ponsioen, A.J.G.B., Oord, van der S., & Prins, P.J.M., (2011). BRAINGAME BRIAN. Achtergrond, evaluatie en implementatie van een Executieve Functietraining met game-elementen voor kinderen met cognitieve controleproblemen. Kind en Adolescent Praktijk, 10(4), 166-174. pdf
Diamond, (2005). Attention deficit disorder (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder without hyperactivity): A neurobiologically and behaviorally distinct disorder from attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (with hyperactivity). Development and Psychopathology, 17, 805-825.
Dovis, S., Van der Oord, S., Wiers, R., & Prins, P.J.M. (2011). Can motivation normalize Working Memory Task Persistence in children with ADHD.The efects of money and computer-gaming. J. Abnorm. Child Psychol.,DOI 10.1007/s10802-011-9601-8. pdf
Eling, P. A. T. M (2003). Denkkaders in de psychiatrie. Een inleiding vanuit historisch perspectief. In P. Eling, E. de Haan, R. Hijman, & B. Schmand, (Red.). Cognitieve neuropsychiatrie (blz. 17/45). Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Boom.
Gagné, P. P. & Longpré, L.-P. (2009). Leren leren met Reflecto. Leuven (B.): Uitgeverij Acco.
Holmes, J., Gathercole, S.E., Place, M., Alloway, T.P., Elliot, J.G. & Hilton, K.A. (2010). The diagnostic utility of executive function assessments in het identification of ADHD in children. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 15(1), 37-43.
Klingberg, T., Fernell, E., Olesen, P.J., Johnson, M., Gustafson, P., Dahlström, K., Gillberg, C.G., Forssberg, H. & Westerberg, H.. (2005). Computerized training of working memory in children with ADHD – A randomized, controlled trial. J. Am. Acad. Child Adolesc. Psychiatry, 44(2), 177-186.
Oord, van der S., Ponsioen, A.J.G.B., Geurts, H.M., Brink Ten, E.L., & Prins, P.J.M. (2014). EF game training in children with ADHD: A pilot study of the efficacy of a computerized EF remediation training with game elements for children with ADHD in an outpatient setting. Journal of Attention Disorders, 18(8), 699–712.pdf
Oosterlaan, J., Baeyens, J., Scheres, A., Antrop, I., Roeyers, H. & Sergeant, J. A. (2008). VvGK6-16 | Vragenlijst voor Gedragsproblemen bij Kinderen. Amsterdam: Pearson.
Prins, P.J.M., Dovis, S., Ponsioen, A.J.G.B. & Ten Brink, E.L. (2007). Nieuwe generaties, nieuwe media. ADHD behandelen met een computergame. Kind en Adolescent Praktijk, 4, 158-165. pdf
Prins, P. J. M., Dovis, S., Ponsioen, A. J. G. B., ten Brink, E. L. & van der Oord, S. (2011). Does a computerized working memory training with game elements enhance motivation and training efficacy in children with ADHD? Cyberpsychology, Behavior & Social Networking, 14, 115-122. pdf
Prins, P.J.M., Ten Brink, E.L., Dovis, S., Ponsioen, A.J.G.B., Geurts, H., de Groot, H., de Vries, M.,& Van der Oord, S. (2010). Braingame Brian: An Executive Function Training Program with game-elements for children with cognitive control problems. University of Amsterdam; Lucertis; & Shosho. The Netherlands.
Prins, P.J.M., Ponsioen, A.J.G.B., & Ten Brink, E.L. (2011). Gebruik je hersens! Het verbeteren van executieve functies bij kinderen door oefening en training. De Psycholoog, 46(11), 38-48. pdf
Smidts, D. & Huizinga, M. (2009). BRIEF Executieve Functies Gedragsvragenlijst. Amsterdam: Hogrefe Uitgevers.
Verbeken, S., Braet, C., Dovis, S., Ponsioen, A.J.G.B., Prins, P.J.M., Ten Brink, E.L., & Van der Oord, S. (2011). Training van werkgeheugen en inhibitie bij kinderen en adolescenten met obesitas. Psychopraktijk, 3(5), 20-22.